With a history spanning more than 300 years, Saliter is the oldest dairy in Bavaria. The fact that Saliter can trace a steady history through the centuries is due to the company values – values to which Saliter has dedicated itself since its foundation: tradition, quality, sustainability, regionality.
These values are lived by management and employees alike, and they make our company strong and unique.
The Gabler family recognised the need for long-life milk products early on, and for this reason they founded the Gabler-Saliter company. Our vision is the production of top quality milk products that are good for people, animals and the environment. Our bold approach and ingenuity have enabled the company to develop and progress continuously over the centuries.
Innovation is a tradition with us – and it’s also our motto for the future! Over time, Saliter has developed from being simply a milk-processing company into a centre of competence for the production of baby foods and specialised products. Our products from Obergünzburg in the Allgäu are exported all over the world.
At the same time, Saliter has stayed true to its roots: in addition to our spirit of innovation, it’s our long-standing connection to the Allgäu and its local agriculture that makes us strong!
100% pure milk from the Allgäu is at the heart of what we do, which is why we handle it very carefully. Using our decades of experience and expertise, and rigorous manufacturing techniques, we preserve the fresh, full-bodied flavour of our milk.
We don’t leave quality to chance! It’s achieved by implementing a whole series of individual processes and control measures. As a result our products are not only good, they’re outstanding: we are certified under the IFS international food standards for our quality and environmental systems, and under the LRQA (Lloyd`s Register Quality Assurance Limited).
We’re only satisfied with the best quality – and you shouldn’t settle for any less, either!
We love the Allgäu! This shows in every one of our products. And because it’s natural for us to want to protect our home and its precious resources, we are fully committed to sustainable production methods. That starts right here in our region.
Our milk comes from local farms, all of which are located within a radius of 30 km from our site. In accordance with good natural and species-appropriate husbandry, each of the 125 or so small farms supplying us has a maximum herd size of 40 animals. These conditions and the short transport distance have great benefits for the quality of the milk – and for the environment! Because this allows us to make great savings on CO2.
But it’s not just the content which must be right – we also give a great deal of thought to the outside of our products. We therefore bottle all our milk products in glass bottles. This is because it takes far fewer resources to recycle glass bottles, making them more environmentally friendly than other multi-use packaging.